Dec 5, 2023Liked by Lauren Rhoades

Lauren - was it Marshall who introduced us? Scott? I'm not even sure, but I was a ga ga over your questions. I've been an investigator reporter for most of my career, and you always want the extended, open-ended questions and your questions are more than that! They make us think, and the responses are so satisfying and different and nuanced. I don't like the smell of pity either - people not from here have all their judgments about what here is - they don't know. Yes, it stings a little that they think they do, but I have to say I'm here - I haven't left - so there, where they are, isn't calling to me either. I'm glad that this is not a farewell and instead an end of year taking stock - I rarely read much of anything online and always take note of what you send.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Lauren Rhoades


I was apprehensive that you were about to tell us goodbye. I am delighted that for now, you are staying in Mississippi and are continuing Rooted. Though I disagree that that there are folks more interesting and articulate than you.

A bit about my story. I lived on the West Coast for 11 years and returned home with intense shame for all things Southern. Rooted is helping me heal. e.g., Ellen Ann Fentress shared, "Smug comments from those outside the state about how Mississippi and Mississippians deserve everything bad coming to them... That disdain is as cruel as the agendas of the politicians they condemn... If snide non-Mississippi critics want to be constructive, support the many Mississippians working for better on the ground. And consider moving your progressive selves here where your vote and efforts will make a difference." And today, you shared, "We didn’t want pity from our out-of-state contacts, we wanted solidarity. We wanted people to see Mississippi’s issues not as separate from theirs, but as symptomatic of the failings of our country at large."

Thank you,


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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Lauren Rhoades

I really do love this editor. Forward into the New Year, Lauren Rhoades!

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Lauren Rhoades

Loved all of them and thank you all for continuing with this project so steadfastly! Looking forward to new interviews and all the future brilliant lagniappe!

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Lauren Rhoades

Thank you, thank you, Lauren, for bringing your readers such important insights in this magazine. May there be many more years to come!

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